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Knoxville Area Events

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Upcoming Events
MTL Weekend and Social Event

Power Series

Meets Weekly for 4-6 weeks

If you are interest in attending a Power course, please fill out our form.


Practice of Support

A Mastery Course

Learning to live the work daily in your lives

Following the "Weekend"

Specific Dates  TBD

There is no cost fot this training.

Prerequisite, More To Life Weekend



Join the Knoxville

Steering Committee

Meets Mondays, bi-Weekly

Preview Events

Preview Events

Preview events are social gatherings meant for connection and to answer questions about our community, the upcoming trainings, or the program itself.  It is hosted by members of the More To Life Community, and there are no costs to attend.  Are you willing?


Host a Preview Event

We encourage More To Life Graduates to host a preview event.  Events are facilitated by trained enrollment coordinators. 



There are three different Power Series classes: Power of Self-Esteem, Power of Connection, and Power of Purpose.  Each is an experiential journey into discovering the road maps to honest connections to Life, Self, and Others.  The Power Series are courses offered through the More To Life Mentor Program. 



To find out more about courses offered in the Knoxville area, fill out the interest form below.

Power Series

interest Form


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