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What if Everything that Happened
in Your Life was Guiding You to
Your Highest Potential?


Instead of living out of old habits that don't serve you,
More To Life courses help you discern the guidance that is coming to you from life at every moment, and inspire you to bring your best to everything you do.

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It's All About Connecting
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Bringing Your Best to Life!

Learn to live life at its best and bring your best to life.


There’s a creative energy at the heart of life
which flows through us when we connect with it.


Can you imagine how your life would be if you could have
your most authentic, caring and human self
at work and in all aspects of your life,

including all your realtionships?


More To Life courses help you transform your life
by making the connections your heart truly longs to make.


We’ll show you how!

What's Life Trying To Tell Me?

Learning from Life - Life is the Teacher 

Life is the best teacher you’ll ever have, when you know how to hear it speaking to you. We can teach you to use your own life experiences to make course corrections in the way you think, act and respond, and find more connection, fulfillment and joy in life than you ever imagined possible.

We’ll show you how.

Or, they can happen in a weekend.

The More To Life Weekend

Discover what's possible

Breakthroughs Can Take a Long Time

Get Involved

We’re able to keep our courses affordable and available to the public because of the generosity of people who have experienced the Weekend and want others to have the same life-changing opportunity.

The More To Life Weekend

See and hear what people have to say

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The More To Life Weekend gives you an experience of life and valuable knowledge that will awaken your ability to discover the opportunity in each life situation you encounter. You will also receive a number of effective tools that you can use to enhance the quality of everything in your life for the rest of your life. Many people describe the course as one of the most powerful and life-changing experiences they have ever had.
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