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More To Life helps
people learn from life
More To Life courses are sponsored by the More To Life Foundation, a non-profit educational charity. Its aim is to teach people skills and practices that can help them access their full potential as individuals and make a more powerful contribution to the communities of which they are a part.
More To Life delivers courses that connect people to their true Selves and to all the wisdom and fulfillment on offer from LIFE in every moment.
New opportunities open up
As people become more awake to reality and more creative with the challenges they face, new opportunities tend to open up. And the more people step out of old, protective attitudes and make new choices, the less they tend to spend time blaming themselves or others for past failures.
Take responsibility
As we take radical responsibility for our own choices, we also create a new type of personal freedom, combined with a deeper sense of compassion and understanding for the people around us.
If you choose to practice this way of living, you will gain new insight into human nature and the nature of the world we live in. Life becomes filled with new possibilities. And you will find you have more and more to contribute to it.
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