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It is like having a personal ‘GPS’ that assists you to track where you are, clarify your direction, and reach your goals.
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More To Life Coaches offer expert one-on-one facilitation to help you unlock your inner wisdom and support your own willingness to follow your heart.

Dismantle destructive behaviors... SO THAT you can live and create your life from who you really are.
Clarify your true purposes... SO THAT you'll become more effective in achieving the results
and goals that matter to you.

Deepen the practice and use of the tools taught in the More To Life Weekend... SO THAT you can maintain clarity,  reduce suffering,  experience more joy and fulfillment,  and live a more masterful life.
Meet the Coaches

Coaches' biographies

Your MTL coach can help you to:

Ann McMaster

Katy, Texas
(281) 492-7722


By the time I did the More To Life training in 1982 in California, I was a psychotherapist in private practice. Attending the weekend was a major turning point in my life. First meeting Brad Brown, co-founder of the More To Life program, who became my mentor and friend. Secondly, on Sunday evening, at the close of the training, I told Brad I wanted to do what he did. Less than three years later, I was a Senior Trainer.

In December '06, at the Trainer/Leadership Conference in London, we decided to launch the coaching initiative. Having spent many years coaching students and communities in the MTL program, as well as executive coaching in the corporate sector, I leapt at the opportunity to lead this initiative. And so it began.

Coaching has been a passion of mine for many years. Even when I was in elementary school, I was a student mentor, coaching peers — and that was Many Years Ago. Since then, even though I grew up, coaching remained a passion.

As a mother, grandmother, sister, friend, coaching is a natural outflow of being "for" another. Focusing that "for-ness" and being a part of someone"s evolutionary progress is exciting and fulfilling. Seeing them become more of who they are while they actualize their dreams is how I love spending my time.

The more others achieve the dreams that matter to them, the better the world becomes for our children and our children"s children. Coaching is such an effective way of making that come true.

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Anne Bauer

Huntsville, Alabama


I like to say that I have a day job as a rocket scientist, but more precisely I am a systems engineer for one of NASA's main engineering suppliers. My role is to get diverse groups of space engineers to work together, and I specialize in figuring out how to do things we have never done before, like coordinating US and Russian science experiments on the International Space Station.

I developed a coaching program for my company work, using the tools from More To Life to improve the performance of database developers and electrical engineers at work and at home. Thus I use the processes of More To Life and apply them to coaching every day.

At work, I ask the hard questions — and wait for the answers. With my family, as we settle my mother's estate, I ask what their conditions or — Provided thats — are. With my grown sons, I tell the truth and stand with them in their choices. With my grandkids, we play and we love. With my former husbands, I go for clear agreements and practice standing in my authority. I practice gratitude all around, yes — even about divorce.

Since 2001 I have taken and teamed many MTL courses, including most of the Advanced Courses, and last year I helped to coordinate four separate Leadership Conferences on 4 continents in less than 3 months — something we had never done before. I love the richness our diverse culture brings to our interactions!

Being a Coach seems like a perfect fit for me. I am an excellent facilitator of individuals and groups. I take my work seriously and myself lightly. Truth-telling is one of my specialties, along with good questions and loving support. Laughter is part of every session, and tears are part of most. For fun, I travel — trying new things like the Zip line. I take pictures and write as a way of capturing those adventures. I spent two summers working in Moscow at the Russian Control Center, and love immersing myself in different cultures.

What can I offer to you? I am intuitive, insightful, truthful, determined, creative, organized, passionate, steadfast, with a splash of humor. My goal is to help you see yourself more clearly, get clarity about what you want and don't want, and about what you will do and will not do.

I see us all making a difference in the world, one person at a time, with the ripples we start.

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Anne Brown

Walnut Creek, California
(925) 947-5967

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Belinda Zuckswert

Sacramento, California
(916) 688-8941


I have been involved with the More To Life Program for more than 22 years, attending several MTL Advanced Courses and taking many leadership roles in the Northern California community, from running telegroups for new students to training leaders, including playing team roles on more than 20 teams.

I am also a SEE Mentor and a graduate of Coach U, with 8 years" professional experience as a life and business coach. Having had a successful career in sales and business development, I use my own experience to coach small-business owners, consultants, and start-ups on how to grow their business, and themselves.

Coaching is a passion for me, as well as a natural fit for my personality. I am proud of my ability to listen to what is being said and what is not, and regard my own insights as a bonus gift.

I believe that if there is no 'aha' moment during our first coaching session, then I am not the Coach for that person! I particularly enjoy showing people how to make the minor shifts that can change the quality of everything in their life and/or their business.

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Christina Giannelli

Houston, Texas
(713) 672-2090

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Cindy LeBow

Madison, New Jersey
(917) 309-7486


Some of the greatest joy that I receive in my life is facilitating someone to reach a new understanding that breaks them free of the chains that have been holding them back.

I was born and raised in New York City, left home at 14 and developed many skills for self-sufficiency. I've lived an eclectic life and I bring all of my experiences to my coaching and teaching. I've lived a fast-paced city life in a 3-piece suit in the corporate world, earning a large income, and I've been a poor organic farmer in New England and in Oregon, raising animals and making my own cheese, yogurt and herbal remedies. I've lived on a remote mountaintop, chopping wood and cooking on a wood-burning stove, and I've lived on an island inhabited by millionaires.

In 1980 The Children"s Aid Society hired me to design and run a summer program for 150 children in Spanish Harlem. This experience showed me how I could make a difference in people"s lives by coaching them to be more fully themselves, to follow their hearts and their dreams, and to discover and appreciate their hidden gifts, talents and true self-esteem. Years later, some of the participants contacted me, to thank me for helping them find their creative path out of Harlem into a larger world as professional performers.

I worked for several years in the employment industry, coaching people in career choices and helping them find their life"s work. A published author, I've created and taught writing workshops, supporting people to free their creative spirit and explore themselves through writing. I studied theatre at New York University"s Tisch School of the Arts with Stella Adler.

I've coached people in creating new businesses and reorganizing old businesses. But the proof is in the pudding — I have created several satisfying and financially successful businesses that supported me to raise my six amazing children as a single mother, continue my education and pursue my personal growth and coaching work.

As a parent I practiced natural medicine: giving birth at home, practicing attachment parenting and home educating my children for 25 years. I am a professional musician, a professional toy and product designer, a Mentor of Self Esteem and The Power of Purpose, and a Professional Life Coach.

I personally studied or participated in many different modalities of healing and therapy including Jungian, NLP, Primal Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Couples Counseling, Imago Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Group Therapy, Business Coaching, Personal Coaching, and have been taking personal growth and consciousness-raising courses with More To Life for more than nine years, including most of the Focus and Advanced Courses.

My coaching style is organic, integrated and holistic - people are not just what they think and say, but what they feel, believe and create from that. How we manifest all of this in our bodies with our health and in our relationships is a window into our current state of being. I coach for mind, body and spirit.

I support those around me to seek what they truly want in their lives - to find their deepest happiness, their most heartfelt contribution and to appreciate their essential qualities and gifts. I am naturally courageous, with the ability to discern the truth, speak it clearly and boldly with love. I have an ability to see beyond words to the depth of the matter, and have a deep understanding of the human spirit.

As your Coach, it"s my intention to support you in discovering your personal vision and life goals, and then to stand by you as you bring them to fruition!

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Diana Makens

Ranto Santa Fe, California
(612) 965-8939


I still remember driving home from my More To Life Weekend 10 years ago with my heart bursting with GRATITUDE. I had discovered that gratitude really is a state of being, a way of living, a CHOICE to make over and over again, right in the midst of all that life brings. That was how I wanted to live my life, and I still do.

Since taking that pivotal Weekend I have been extensively involved with More To Life as a non-profit organization. At the community level I have played various team roles including Training Supervisor, and I've been on the local Steering Committee. As a student of the program, I've taken all the Advanced Courses, while in leadership terms I'm a Power of Purpose Mentor, a Mastery teacher, a member of the More To Life Board since 2001, and now a certified More To Life Coach as well.

Melody Beattie said, 'Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.'

Life has given me many opportunities to practice my gratitude. Both the healing arts and the creative arts attract me. I earned a BFA from the University of Southern California, majoring in Art Education with a minor in Sociology, then went to graduate school and obtained a Secondary Teaching credential. I taught Junior High Art, High School Basic Design and Ceramics, and 3rd Grade, served on school boards and parents associations, and coached swimming at elementary and secondary levels.

Meanwhile, I raised 7 children and 5 foster children. As our children became young adults I started to focus on the healing arts, particularly holistic health care. Today I'm certified to practice Therapeutic Coaching, NLP, Master NLP, HNLP, Hypnosis Levels 1-4, Electronically Assisted Lymph Massage, Reiki Level 1, QXCI Biofeedback, and have begun studying Thai Massage Therapy.

This broad range of experiences and opportunities has prepared me as if I were a midwife of sorts. I've had the sacred honor to jump right in to all that life offers, just as it is and to gratefully stand alongside my loved ones during times of joy and times of sorrow and pain — everything from marriage, birth, creative partnerships and successful business adventures, to serious illness, divorce, business failures, accidents, major loss, grief, and legal battles.

I'm skilled at connecting and partnering with others as we journey together on this path of life we are given. I am growing and learning so much from 'midwifing' those who are going for right relationships, personal purpose, a new career that fits, spiritual development, or cracking through the walls and bars of a self-imposed prison. I marvel at the determination and creativity of the human spirit, and am inspired by the capacity I see in those who entrust themselves to Life and allow themselves the gift of support as they rediscover who they are and create their dreams.

Standing alongside others as a More To Life Coach is one of the great honors I am currently experiencing, and I am aware of the huge gifts of growth and transformation I receive in the process. Through my participation in More To Life and through my coaching I too am realizing my dreams. I'm releasing my creativity through art and home design, growing deeper and more meaningful relationships, creating success in business partnerships involving property development and investment, and living my own purpose: to be a light in the world, illuminating gratitude with my every breath.

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Dreena Tischler

Round Rock, Texas
(512) 983-1390


My credentials as a coach have been honed by more than 17 years of serving on More To Life teams and helping to facilitate the process work of the Weekend. I use the processes regularly, and have had much success with the Results process, a key tool in coaching.

I have taken nearly every Focus Course we offer, as well as both WOWs and several Advanced Courses; I am a Power of Purpose Mentor, soon to be a Power of Connection Mentor, a Mastery Teacher and I serve as International Way of a Warrior Coordinator for More to Life. This role — in particular --has given me the precious opportunity to speak to a great many people about their purposes and dreams, and witness many of these coming to fruition. 

I hold a BA in Humanities from the University of Alabama, and have had a varied working life, from Law Office Administrator, to Director of a Children's Ministry to full-time Mom and International WOW Coordinator. These roles have contributed greatly to my ability to listen, to read between the lines, to facilitate visioning, and make appropriate recommendations. 

I enjoy singing and listening to music, and I write poetry. I have published a number of non-fiction articles about parenting, adoption, lasting relationships and stewardship. I love the outdoors and go on hiking and camping expeditions with my husband, Paul, and our two daughters, Allison and Chanelle. I also have a big love of travel, much of it for service projects in Central America, and have enrolled my family members into enjoying this as well. We all enjoy the diversity of human life and the cultures that we encounter on our travels. 

I have a calling to shine a light on the path for others. Whether or not you have a clear picture of your path, I believe that through discernment and purposeful action, each of us is capable of finding ours. 

As a licensed More to Life Coach and Public Coach, my mission is to stand alongside and cheer you on in your next step and ask the questions that can help you choose the next step, and the next after that. I am an optimistic and straight-shooting coach. You can count on me to be 100% for you and to give you honest feedback at the same time.

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Elisabeth Ten Brink

San Jose, California
(408) 269-2385


I've always had a passion for personal growth and for one-on-one support. I see coaching as an opportunity to be fully heard and supported by a fellow human being, which allows us to deepen our understanding of who we really are. For me, a key to life is living in a way in which we"re being true to ourselves and our own essence. I hold this as a cornerstone, from which we get to create what we envision and experience fulfillment in our lives.

What I offer as a coach is genuine curiosity, sincerity, and the ability to listen for new possibilities. I'm also a persistent person and believe in straight talk and bold support. My vision is to act like a GPS — to show you where you are and help you get exactly where you want to go. My career for more than 25 years involved working as a Development Engineer and Account/Project Manager in the high-tech industry in the US and Sweden. One of my engineering managers brought in a coach to work with our team, and this turned out to be a life-altering event for me.

Our coach reflected back to me after a few sessions that although my openness, authenticity and eagerness to connect deeply with others were parts of my essence, these qualities weren"t necessarily shared by many of my engineering colleagues!

This came as both a relief and a shock to me. I had spent many years at my studies, getting a Master of Science degree in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Then, after winning a Fulbright Scholarship, I graduated with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington in Seattle.

Having someone acknowledge me in this way for my qualities as a person and not just as an engineer was a pivotal moment, and from that time forth I've been on an exciting path of continued learning and growth. Today I feel grateful for the many opportunities I've had to course-correct and to experience life more fully — both professionally and personally.

Some other things I enjoy include biking, kayaking, gardening and traveling with my husband, Evan, who first introduced me to the More To Life weekend in 2001. Since then we have taken many courses together and are also both Mentors for the Power of Purpose course.

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Glenn Stevenson

Garden Grove, Southern California
(714) 636-9696


I am a Life Coach and a psychotherapist with 15 years" experience, and am licensed in California as a clinical social worker. I have done coaching training with both the More To Life program and the Institute for Life Coach Training, and am a certified job and career transition coach.

As a psychotherapist I have counseled children, adolescents, and adults, and supervised other therapists. I specialize in helping people increase their self-confidence and find personal direction in life. I am known as an expert in people"s sense of self. I also do relationship coaching. I have more than 20 years" experience with More To Life, including all but one of the Advanced Courses. I am a Power of Self-Esteem and Power of Purpose Mentor, and have served on Steering Committees in Knoxville and Northern California.

Before becoming a Coach and therapist, I was a PhD economist. I have lived and worked in the US, Europe, Africa and Asia doing environmental economic research. I published articles and a book on economics. I enjoy seeing plays, bicycling and walking the beach with my girlfriend, Paula, and my other friends.

I also play with (and care for) my Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd-mix dog, Buddy.

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Janet Cohen

Galveston Island, Texas
(409) 220-3200

One of my greatest passions is being with people as they identify, clarify and express what matters to them. Since adolescence, I have had the privilege of participating in this process with people in settings ranging from summer camps to federal prisons, as well as in prisons of our own making. 

Since March of 1984 I have used, taught, coached and facilitated others with techniques presented in courses offered through the More to Life Foundation and other human potential programs. Not as a pastime, but as a way of life. 

I am a licensed mentor for the Power of Self Esteem course and for the Power of Connection Course. I have taught Mastery classes, facilitated Enrichment Groups, and held leadership roles in the first Way of a Warrior program in 1988, in several focus courses and residential retreats. 

Coaching is natural for me. Intuitive, insightful self-expression is one of my gifts. Being able to sense what is not being said as well as what is being expressed allows me to be fully engaged with Life, and helping others to put language on their deepest dreams and desires inspires me. It also works for others, as I have been using these skills (and others) for more than 30 years. 

Additionally, I teach classes in vision boarding, writing, social media and email marketing, financial development and other topics. I have been blessed with a successful career in philanthropy, teaching and helping people to raise millions of dollars while working for or serving nonprofit organizations that make significant contributions to the planet. I have a unique understanding of the stresses involved in nonprofit organizational development, particularly when dealing with the emotions underlying such work. 

My coaching style varies with each person, yet it is consistently compassionate, quietly bold, creative, and fresh. My clients tell me they appreciate being seen authentically, even underneath their words, and that they are grateful for my candor and sensitivity. 

I am a mother, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, writer, photographer, seeker, student, communicator, and entrepreneur who loves life, values family, cherishes sunrises and sunsets, loves to laugh, and sees beyond what is visible to the eye.

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Jenny Meadows

Austin, Texas
(512) 495-9550


Around the turn of the century, I was burned out. I had been working 120 hours a week for more than a year. I sold my business and "played," but that proved to be less rewarding than I had expected. Gradually I created a mixture of work and play that supports me to this day. Balancing editing and More To Life work are sailing (racing), singing in a choir which regularly performs complex musical works, being with my son and granddaughter, doing Jazzercise and Pilates, traveling, experiencing new cultures and languages, and playing piano 4-hands. On every birthday ending with a zero I set goals for the next 10 years. A year ago, I set the goal by 2017 of joining the crew of a tall ship for at least a 3-month cruise, and playing well all 24 of Brahms" Hungarian Dances for 4-hands.

I have been active with More To Life since 1985 and have taken every course (at least once). I have also played team roles on More To Life Weekends, Focus Courses and Advanced Courses in the US, UK, South Africa and New Zealand. Through my team experience I have been able to act as a resource to both newly emerging and established MTL communities, coaching team members in their roles. I use the MTL processes regularly and I enjoy facilitating others, while teaching the nuances of the processes so students can make them their own. Currently I am the More To Life Foundation"s International Database Coordinator.

I have degrees in English and Education, which helps me edit copy and proofread for authors around the world while coaching them to be the best writers they can be. I also have 22 years of experience in BioEnergetics. Bottom line: I love teaching and empowering others to create what they want for themselves. My greatest delight is to hear the insights and "aha" moments that my clients gain from our sessions. I get to learn too.

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Kathleen Crawford

Bozeman, Montana
(406) 585-2207


I believe I was born to be a More To Life Coach. During my life as a daughter, stepdaughter, wife, former wife, mother, and friend, I have been working on my coaching skills, talking with others, and discovering truths together which are essential for living more responsively and less reactively. I have been supported to become more in my life by great teachers sharing their tools for living more compassionately and sustainably on this planet. As a world citizen, I am passionate about transforming and enhancing the quality of people"s lives and contributing to more connection and less separation.

I have an innate, nurtured, and practiced ability to listen to people and support them in seeing and hearing themselves.

I took the More To Life Weekend in 1995. In the years since, I have encouraged family and friends to participate in MTL Weekends and Focus Courses. I have taken Advanced Courses and participated on teams around the world.

My degree in Film, 15 years on a ranch in Montana , world travel and many contrasting experiences allow me to connect with people on many levels. I was instrumental in creating a Human Rights Film Festival in Bozeman, Montana. I now raise funds and awareness for a project in the Congo that focuses on building a sustainable community.

I am a mother of 2 children, a son, Peter, and daughter, Sage. I am involved fully in their lives and use the More To Life tools in raising them.

As a Coach I am now working with others who are learning to change their lives by integrating the tools into their daily lives. I want to make a difference in the world by supporting the growth of others as expressed on a MTL poster: 'Making a difference in yourself by making a difference in the world by making a difference in yourself by making a difference in the world...'

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Kirsten Johnson

Webster, Texas
(281) 808-5107


My day-job title is Freelance Producer/Technical Director in the Live Event industry, which involves team-building, crew and logistics management, handling client, crew and audience expectations. I worked my way up through the ranks from receptionist in 1990 to Producer and Technical Director in 1997. Since 2005 I've owned my own company, working on lighting tradeshows for Warner Brothers and LucasFilms, live broadcasts of educational programs for the Washington National Opera, and producing corporate training and incentive events for US and international corporations.

I'm also a skydiving instructor and coach, and work with competitive skydivers and their teams on the technical (and mental) games of formation skydiving. Together with my teammates I've earned medals in regional and national skydiving competitions. In 2004 I earned my skydiving instructor rating. Since then I have made more than 400 skydives with students. Teaching survival skills together with personal performance goals to novice skydivers is a true coaching challenge.

As a graduate of Coaching Essentials and the Power of Self Esteem Mentor program, I've also attended and teamed myriad More To Life courses, from the MTL Weekend to WoW2. My eyes were opened to a whole new world with the MTL work. Personal freedoms that I never thought possible are mine to use to create my life.

Many of my dreams are now everyday realities, and as Richard Bach wrote in his book Illusions: 'You are never given a dream without the ability to make it come true. You may, however, have to work for it.'

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Ross Pierkowski

Houston, Texas
(832) 434-4706


I’ve been engaged with this work for 17 years- facilitating, coaching, serving on team for over 50 weekend and advanced courses, chaired the U.S. Board of Directors, leading mastery and mentor courses, and now as a trainer candidate. Recently, I’ve expanded to coaching through video sessions online to coach people outside of Houston. Throughout all that time, the underlying reason I love doing this has remained the same- I love being in that liminal space of transformation and breakthrough with others. In coaching, my clients look at what’s working and what isn’t and what’s getting in the way. Having someone alongside you who knows how to support you in exploring that space of challenge and possibility is a great way to accelerate your learning and growth to unfold more of who you are- to bring yourself more fully to your life and what you want to create. It’s a fascinating and sometimes heart wrenching and heart healing adventure, but really, what else matters as much?

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Pauleen Ward Brown

Breezy Point, New York
(718) 634-8222


I have been a coach for many years starting with swimming coaching, followed by sub-aqua instruction and coaching, employee coaching (as a catering manager) then student coaching (as a management lecturer), and for the past ten years I have been coaching as a management development consultant, first in industry and latterly through my own business.

I first found my calling when these words came to me - 'I can hold the hand that wobbles just for the moment it is needed.' Later, a friend from New Zealand told me of the Maori proverb 'Maku Raepa': 'It is I, perhaps it is I, who will embrace you and assist you on the pathway of your growth. I will uphold you. Perhaps it is I.' This saying still inspires me. My aim is to assist you on your path, holding you, embracing you and walking alongside you - just for the time you need it.

I have had many wonderful clients, including CEOs, directors, managers, business owners and individuals who want to make a change in one or more aspects of their lives. Some come to me for a discrete number of sessions; others come like going to the gym - for regular mental maintenance. All make shifts in their understanding of the world and how they respond to it. And I hope all are coming to a happier and more content way of being. My Master"s was in Human Resource Development with a dissertation titled: 'Personal Performance Improvement of Managers: An "Inside-Out" Coaching Approach.' I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Management. and have practical and theoretical experience in learning, and in how people create change for themselves. As a trainer I specialise in personal development, effective leadership, behaviour change and 'soft skills' training.

I have been involved in the More To Life programme since my first course in 1993 and have since taken or teamed all the Focus and Advanced Courses. My current role is Evolution of Mastery Coordinator for the USA.

I see my forte as creating a connection that inspires trust, confidence and courage. This enables people to explore experiences, issues and fears that otherwise might remain hidden. From the foundation of deeply personal data and a caring environment, I seek to lead clients through a pragmatic exploration of the beliefs that may block their progress in contentment and happiness. I believe I can bring a significant depth of intuition, empathy and insight to help clients make especially rapid progress, allowing them to implement new behaviours in their lives and experience dramatic results in what may seem a very short time.

I live with my husband, Bob, and help look after his mother, along with our two Siamese cats, in Breezy Point, New York.

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Sherry Merritt

Houston, Texas
(832) 594-7634


Sixteen years ago I discovered my passion for life through the More To Life Weekend, which not only started me on a path of self-discovery but enabled me to experience what living passionately is all about. Today I find it difficult even to remember the person I was before that revealing weekend.

Music has been my life"s focus for the last 45 years. I play clarinet and am still passionate about it after all this time. During my career as a band director and private clarinet instructor, I have taught more than 3,000 students throughout the Houston area. A recent highlight was having several of my clarinet students perform with their high school band in Carnegie Hall. That was a thrilling and rewarding experience for my students and for me.

Another passion has been redefining my body shape after losing 60 lbs. To accomplish that goal, I took up long-distance bike-riding, and four years ago began riding in the annual the Lone Star Chapter of the MS Society (Multiple Sclerosis) fundraiser from Houston to Austin, a distance of 160 miles. My first ride had a dual purpose: to support the MS Society and to culminate 10 months of physical therapy following a knee replacement.

Until I took the More To Life Weekend in 1992, I was in a rut. After the course my world expanded more than I ever dreamed possible. I cleaned up resentments with my family, I learned there was another world beyond my own narrow one, and I began traveling and enlarging my sphere of relationships to include more than just my working peers. I now have many friends on several continents, just a Skype away.

That weekend also led to my taking every other Focus and Advanced Course in the program, including serving on teams for almost all of these. I have been a member of the Houston Steering Committee, led Enrichment Groups, served in team roles, coordinated Houston"s Leadership Conferences, and am a Mentor for the Power of Self Esteem. I draw on my wide range of life experience to facilitate my coaching clients, while continuing to enrich my own life.

I really get the value of this work. I practice it with my aging parents, with my friends and family, with my music students. At this time I am particularly interested in working with people who took the Weekend several years ago and want to get reacquainted with the look and feel of More To Life as it is now.

I want to work with new students too. Bottom line: I want to share the incredible gifts that I've received. My commitment is to empower, inspire and guide others to discover their passions and purposefully create the results they want in their lives.

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Sylvia Hebert Goldreyer

League City, Texas
(281) 813-2272


As a teacher and the oldest of seven siblings in a large Cajun family, I come with a broad background in family dynamics, both professionally and personally. I believe my joyful spirit encourages and empowers my coaching clients.

I have a Master"s degree in Special Education and graduate hours in counseling. Over the past 28 years I have taught hundreds of children ages 4-14 in both regular and special education classrooms. I have mentored parents and children on issues such as autism, alcoholism, mental/emotional health concerns, language barriers, immigration and resettlement issues, dyslexia, learning disabilities, and developmental difficulties.

I've been active in the More To Life community since 1997 and recently joined the Houston MTL Steering Committee in the role of Leadership Development. I have been Assistent Training Supervisor and Training Superisor for several MTL courses. Envisioning a creative way to renew the leadership initiative in Houston is a passion of mine. I am passionate about this work and want to help others discover and create their dreams.

I indulge my creative side with my jewelry business which specializes in custom design work. As an avid volunteer for the Houston International Festival, I interact with musicians and dancers from countries around the world. I also collect African musical instruments and artwork.

I live in League City, Texas, located between Houston and Galveston. I have learned some of my most profound life lessons through caring for a clinically depressed family member. I have lots of experience in living in the 'Don"t-Know'! More To Life has taught me that I can live in that space and still joyfully embrace each day.

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Tracey Taul

Houston, Texas
(832) 859-0479


My purpose: 

To empower you to achieve your goals and to know and appreciate yourself 

About me: 

I am kind, grounded, and still. I don't hold a right or wrong judgment on Life as it is. I look for and see the Divine in everyone. I like people and I appreciate all paths. 

I've been single, married (16 yrs) and divorced, a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, an employee, and a business-owner. I earned a B.A. in Modern Language. I am a Licensed Life Coach and Massage Therapist. I am certified in Matrix Energetics and a Reiki Practitioner. My interests include the healing arts, healthy living, meditation, and people. I've lived high highs, low lows, and lots of change; all of which has provided me with the confidence to guide you through the changes you may experience as you achieve your goals. 

I look forward to working with you. 

My clients say: "You gave real, true life support. You helped me deal with the now and today and worry about tomorrow and next week, when they are today. You listen, motivate and encourage. You made me feel very comfortable. I feel like you truly care and are an inspiration to the people you coach"

"You know, my experience with you stands out in my mind mostly because, most of the time, I do not even realize that I am being coached! I think that speaks volumes! Tracey, you emit a peacefulness that envelops me when I walk through the door of your office. Despite my regular whining, you have always made me feel like I was an important part of your day by greeting me with a sincere and honest welcome"

"You create an atmosphere where I feel more relaxed to be authentic to share my most vulnerable honest feelings. You are the most accepting nonjudgmental person I know which also helps me to look at my own judgmental viewpoints from a different angle".

"Stable, steady, loving, intuitive, full of grace, empathic, organic, boldly supportive with surgical precision yet with a fairy's touch"

"Patient guidance without judgment is the key to successful a coach. I have found these qualities in Tracey. In the year I worked with Tracey, I achieved the goals I set. In the following year, when I lost focus, I was able to return to "base" with Tracey who helped me get back on track. I did this with the complete confidence that I would be re-directed—not reprimanded."

"Tracey is a grounded individual who seems entirely unflappable. She has a very calming presence and in conversations with her the answers to my questions seem to emerge from within." 

Tracey Taul has been a significant influence as an overcomer herself, which gives credibility to all information, processes and techniques that Tracey uses in her coaching. Proven results, accountability and discipline with pure intention for your greatest good. I would trust Tracey and her knowledge to support and assist to move me to my next level.

"She gives a lot of love, care, and kindness to this world. This world is a good place because of people like Tracey"

"Tracey has been an inspiration to me. She listens, is joyful and grounded. She helped me be present in the here and the now. Her questions helped me focus on my truths, my successes and remain hopeful. She took me under her wings, comforted me and made me feel special each time I reached out for her. She enjoys her work, her life and is very intuitive. I have complete faith in her ability as a coach and highly recommend her."

"I trust your insight, honesty, clarity. You are able to help me see things that I can't see myself and I trust your judgment on the way to work through something. I guess the word I keep seeing when I write this, is I TRUST you." 

"Your love and clarity permeate the conversation. As you know, I often launch into some emotional happening in my life. I have come to welcome (actually expect!) your compassionate listening and empowering, often subtle guidance."

"Beyond her generous knowledge and open warm demeanor, which, for me, would have been more than enough, Tracey Taul takes listening to a new level. It is a whole body spirit health kind of listening. There is a message in the way that she models that listening that is far greater than words."

"She has been more than a coach. She has been a person who has listened to my situation and feelings and steered me in the right direction. Also she has a caring way of making me realize and see what I have missed and has shown me to appreciate what I have. In addition, she has shown me that I have the power to change the things that I do not like in my life. "

"She is not judgmental. She has joy and hope and shares that with you. She takes pleasure in your successes and does not blame you for setbacks (they would NEVER be failures!). While she brings her own experience into your discussion, it is about you, not about her. She is a warm, joyful, supportive" 

"Tracey is an extremely talented coach. Her many years of experience have equipped her with the ability to quickly discern situations and get to the root cause. She has helped me achieve many personal and professional goals by getting me to understand precisely what I'm going for, why I'm going for it, and what gets in my way. She holds me accountable in a completely caring, supportive, non-judgmental way. Tracey helps me see the infinite possibilities of what I can create in my life."

"Tracey is most insightful. She gets to the heart of the situation and easily suggests what may not have been noticed. Because Tracey seems to be always ‘for' me, it is easy to be myself, tell the truth, and seek her counsel. I highly recommend her as a coach!"

"Tracey helped me stay on purpose in a gentle and encouraging manner. She played an important role by reminding me of my goal and answering questions that came up during the process."

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Warren Kahn

Sebastopol, California
(707) 823-2732


I have been a More To Life student since 1982 and am a More To Life Coach and a Mentor, as well as a Senior Trainer. My work has included facilitating More To Life courses in the federal prison system, and I have been closely involved in the leadership of my local student community.

I was Associate Professor of Music at Sonoma State University for 23 years, and I continue to run my own sound studio, where I produce music albums, books on tape, sound tracks and commercials. My company has been nominated for two Grammy awards. I also brought out my own CD this year, New 2 the Brain.

I am happily married to my best friend, Lisa, and we are joyfully celebrating our new roles as grandparents. I enjoy road biking, racquetball, bodysurfing, and scuba-diving, and I have competed in three triathlons. Lisa and I own a tandem bicycle which we enjoy riding among the vineyards of Northern California.

I am inspired and humbled to work with people who want to grow and create meaningful results in their lives and the lives of others. That is why I am a Coach and Trainer. I bring my best to my clients because when they break through to new ways of being and creating results, I get to grow and re-ignite my own dreams and aspirations. It"s an awesome process!

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Will Kidd

Knoxville, Tennessee
(865) 765-3514


I have been a student with More To Life since 1986 and have participated extensively since then, both in our course work and in taking leadership roles. I currently serve on the Knoxville Steering Committee, and I am a Power of Purpose and Power of Self Esteem Mentor. I love working with people to help them achieve their best, and be their best while doing it.

My career has involved the ownership of various businesses, including an import/export firm, and I have also run several businesses for other people. I have had long and varied sales experience, including internet and television sales, and recently accepted a sales training position with InterAction in the UK. Training is my favorite activity!

Having travelled to more than 40 countries I am told that I can be fascinating to talk to, and I hope I am just as attentive as a listener. My goal as a Coach is that you know you are being heard, and that the outcome is to move the actions and issues in your life in the direction you most want.

I especially love to seek that perfect balance where you are able to take your personal challenges and use them to move both your projects and your personal development forward together.

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William Holt

Tomball, Texas
(713) 240-0009


I have been working to inspire corporations and leaders since 1984. I founded the Meta-Institute in North California in 1992 and led teams and executives from Chevron, Toyota, Bank of America,and Bechtel. Early in my career I worked for Time and Life magazines in Chicago and Amsterdam, winning awards and promotions. I then took a ten-year hiatus to become a singer and actor performing mostly in Chicago and New York, appearing in productions of Man of La Mancha, Camelot, Scaramouch and Tom Jones. I also won a place as lead singer for the New Christy Minstrels.

Educationally, I have been a student of the human psyche for the past three decades doing post-graduate work in Sports and Motivational Psychology, Organizational Engineering, NLP, Coaching and Hypnotherapy.

As a principal and co-founding partner of TriVergent International, I collaborated with Momentis UK and InterAction UK to facilitate major coaching projects for Unilever Corporation, working with executives and teams in eleven different countries over the last six years. I worked on a 3½-year coaching and training project for British Petroleum with Ann McMaster, my business partner, which received acclaim as a Best Practices model worldwide. I also worked recently with a financial services company in Europe, delivering leadership skills and training to their top 3,000 executives.

Presently I am working on coaching projects with Momentis UK and Unilever Corporation"s board of directors in the Caribbean, with Unilever in Mexico on a Women"s Empowerment program for 2009, and developing a multi-year program, once again for BP, this time in Canada. I aim to focus organizations on improving results-oriented behavior and their leaders" ability to motivate performance-related behavior for the employees, the teams and the company. My insight into people, my ability to listen and sustain the bigger vision, together with my sense of humor have made me a popular consultant, trainer, facilitator, Coach and speaker.

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